Enfield Non-Compete Agreement

Find the right Non-Compete Agreement attorney in Enfield, CT

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Usually, a covenant not to compete is when a Connecticut employee agrees not to work for an employer's competitors when the employee leaves the company. Covenants not to compete are also known as "non-compete clauses". An employee who signs them either does so as a condition to employment or they may receive compensation for the agreement.

When are Covenants not to Compete Unenforceable?

Knowing in advance whether a judge will enforce an employee's non-compete clause can be challenging. Although the interests of employers are important, courts in Connecticut also give priority to an employee's freedom to choose the type of employment that they desire. As a result, courts usually uphold only those covenants that are consider to be reasonable according to the circumstances. Covenants not to compete that a court will categorize as unreasonable include provisions that last for a long duration or that restrict the employee to an unreasonable geographic area around Enfield.

The agreements must also deal only with those competitors whose line of employment is rationally related to the previous employer's. Finally, an employer is required to have a valid business reason in its motivation for imposing a covenant not to compete on an employee.

Do I Need an Attorney when Dealing with a Covenant not to Compete?

An Enfield, Connecticut lawyer can help you review the covenant before you sign any provisions that might limit your rights. The lawyer can assist you in negotiating modifications or if needed, they can possibly draft a new agreement which will be acceptable to both parties. When it comes to suing an employee for breach of a non-compete clause, an attorney can give valuable advice. They will also be able to counsel employees who need advice for a covenant they have signed.

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Life in Enfield

Enfield, Connecticut is a town located in Hartford County. Its current estimated population is about 46,000. Enfield, like many cities in North America, has a human history that predates by thousands of years the arrival of European settlers. Enfield, for example, was populated by Pocomtuc Tribe for thousands of years. European colonists did not arrive until 1878. It was incorporated a few years later. Until 1749, Enfield, Connecticut was legally part of Massachusetts. However, the settlement of a lawsuit brought about by a surveyor's error led to Enfield seceding from the Massachusetts colony, and becoming part of Connecticut. Modernly, Enfield and the surrounding areas are home to several natural attractions, such as parks, rivers, and hiking trails. Enfield is a fairly prosperous community, with the median family income being about ,000. Furthermore, less than 4% of the population of Enfield, Connecticut lives below the poverty line. If you are facing a legal problem in Enfield, Connecticut, no matter how large or small, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of an Enfield, Connecticut lawyer. The lawyers in Enfield, Connecticut are ready to help prospective clients with whatever legal issues they're likely to face.

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