The U.S. Constitution and Title VII of the U.S. Code both make racial discrimination illegal in the state of Wisconsin. Employers may not take race into account according to these laws when hiring or recruiting workers, or when determining wages and promotion offers.

What Must Be Proven in a Discrimination Claim?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency in charge of investigating workplace discrimination, and employees discriminated against must file a claim with the EEOC before taking the matter to court. Racial discrimination claims involve situations where an employers treat workers differently than other workers who are of a different race.

In order to succeed on a claim for racial discrimination, the Richland Center plaintiff must additionally prove that their employer intended to base the discrimination on race or nationality. Proof of an employer's intent to discriminate can be shown if they have preferentially treated workers of different races than the plaintiff.

How Can a Richland Center Lawyer Help with My Claim?

Recorded statements about racial issues that were made by the employer can also be used in some cases to show intent. Procedural laws in this area of litigation vary greatly depending on where you file your claim, and a local Richland Center lawyer will be familiar with requirements in your area. Should you decide to file your claim at the EEOC, a Wisconsin lawyer will be able to help you out, and they can also point you towards other types of remedies available to you while your claim is pending.