West Allis Non-Compete Agreement

Find the right Non-Compete Agreement attorney in West Allis, WI

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A covenant not to compete generally implies that a Wisconsin employee makes an agreement not to work for any of their employer's competitors should they leave the company for any reason. These covenants are typically called "non-compete clauses". Employees who sign them may either receive compensation or simply be required to agree as a condition for their employment.

When are Covenants not to Compete Unenforceable?

Knowing in advance whether a judge will enforce an employee's non-compete clause can be difficult. While employer's interest are significant, the courts of Wisconsin also put a high level of importance on a person's ability to pursue their desired employment opportunities. Consequently, a court will generally only uphold non-compete clauses which under the circumstances are considered to be reasonable. Terms contained in a covenant not to compete will be struck down by a court as unreasonable if they bind the employee for an excessively long period of time or if they cover an unreasonably large geographic area around West Allis.

The agreements must also deal only with those competitors whose line of employment is rationally related to the previous employer's. Finally, an employer is required to have a valid business reason in its motivation for imposing a covenant not to compete on an employee.

Do I Need an Attorney when Dealing with a Covenant not to Compete?

A West Allis, Wisconsin lawyer can help you review the covenant before you sign any documents that might limit your rights. The lawyer can assist you in negotiating modifications or if needed, they can possibly draft a new agreement which will be acceptable to both parties. Employers can receive useful advice from an attorney should they decide to sue a worker for breaching a covenant, and employees who have signed such covenants can also benefit from a lawyer's counseling.

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Life in West Allis

West Allis, Wisconsin is a charming city located in the greater Milwaukee area. West Allis has a sizeable population of just under 65,000 residents and is a very popular place to visit in Wisconsin. The city is located on 11.4 square miles.

West Allis is home to the Wisconsin State Fair, and the fairgrounds are a popular place for concerts and other activities in addition to the fair. West Allis has a lot of activities for residents to enjoy including parks, trails, and movie theaters. The Root and Kinnickinnic Rivers flow through parts of West Allis, which makes for some lush landscape and beauty for residents and visitors to enjoy.

West Allis is also home to some fabulous lawyers. Lawyers practicing in West Allis are trained to help their local client in any legal matter he or she is facing. Many West Allis lawyers grew up in the city and decided to practice there and their appreciation for their community is evident. In addition to great lawyers, West Allis has a wonderful professional community which makes this city a great place to work in. Whether visiting or living, West Allis has it all!

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