Under New York and Federal laws, discriminating against persons with disabilities is prohibited in the workplace. An equal opportunity for hiring and advancement opportunities in Pelham for individuals with disabilities is afforded by these laws. Employers must provide disabled persons with reasonable accomodations under these disbility laws so that they are able to perform their jobs.

New York Employment for the Disabled

Whether you are employed by a government agency or a private company, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against the disabled. Employers in the state of are prohibited from considering an individual's disability when deciding to hire them, assign them a job position, or provide them with an advancement opportunity.

If the costs are reasonable, workers with disabilities are entitled to any special equipment needed for work from their employers. This is on top of the requirement to provide fair treatment. Additionally, the ADA makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on their relationship to persons who have a disability requiring special needs.

When do I need an Attorney in Pelham?

New York has many employment law attorneys in Pelham who specialize in assisting persons with claims related to disabilities Consult a lawyer who can help you make decisions on your next course of action should difficulties present themselves.