Newton Employment Discrimination Attorney

Find the right Employment Discrimination attorney in Newton, MA

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and Federal laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of certain protected characteristics, both in Newton and elswhere in the state. Under state and Federal law, both private and public employers in Newton can be found liable for discrimination, depending on what type of trait originally prompted the discrimination.

How Does Employment Discrimination Occur?

Employment discrimination can occur if the employer treats an employee unfairly based on their membership in a category that is legally protected. Traits that employers can not use to evaluate you include race, national origin, gender, religion and familial status. In Newton, Massachusetts, in order to succeed on an employment discrimination claim, the plaintiff must show that the employer's intent in treating them differently was based on the protected status.

How can Employment Discrimination be Proven in Massachusetts?

This will be proven if the employer in question has treated others of the same class in a comparable manner. It may also be shown when there is testimony regarding specific employer statements that a reasonable person would define as biased. Additionally, employers may be held liable for firing someone or retaliating against them because they brought a discrimination lawsuit.

The procedure for pursuing an employment discrimination claim is complicated, since it involves filing a claim with certain agencies. A Newton, Massachusetts lawyer can help you file in a timely manner, and while your case is pending, they can help you in pursuing any available remedies.

Connect with the Right Employment Law Attorney now!

Life in Newton

Newton is the eleventh largest city in Massachusetts. It has a population of around 85,146 people.

Some famous attractions include Crystyal Lake, the Newton History Museum at the Jackson Homestead, Heartbreak Hill, Echo Bridge, Norumbega Park, Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Bullough's Pond, and the Totem Pole Ballroom.

The city also has some buildings that boast beautiful architecture. Some examples are the First Baptish Church located in Newton Centre. Another is the WHDH-TV tower. Interestingly enough, it is one of the tallest free-standing lattice towers in the U.S.!

Many attorneys have founded small offices and law firms to tend to the legal needs of residents. These attorneys are very capable and easily take care of any and every legal inquiry.

Overall, Newton is a city rich in history and culture; it provides residents with a wonderful place to call home!

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