California law defines sexual harassment as any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether they are verbal advances or physical acts. Sexual advances, creating a hostile work environment that is blatantly sexual in nature, and sexual advances are some of the more frequent forms of sexual harassment amongst employers.

How does California Law Prohibit Sexual Harassment?

First, employers in Davis are often required to formulate company policies regarding sexual conduct, which must be posted and visible to employees. These policies may include contact information for an employee to report sexual harassment, the process for handling such claims, and the corrective measures for when a claim is proven.

There are also agencies which are established by federal and California law for the specific purpose of handling sexual harassment cases. Such agencies have the authority to investigate work sites to determine if the complaints they receive in Davis are true. These laws also prohibit employers from firing employees or taking any retaliatory action against workers who have complained of sexual harassment.

How can a California attorney help?

A claim for sexual harassment may be difficult to investigate and show without the proper expertise in the relevant areas of law. The federal officers who investigate claims of sexual harassment are, unfortunately, frequently too busy to give much attention to any one claim. Therefore, hiring a Davis lawyer can be the surest way to file your sexual harassment claim within the deadlines specified by the state of California.